Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park - The 5th Day Afternoon of the Graduation Travel
上午从内布拉斯加沙丘出来之后,一路上都一直在往garden city的方向上面开,garden city是这次旅行的一个重要的目的地,上面有几个点当初特别感兴趣,并且我的毕业设计当时候也是找到garden city附近的一个site去构想和思考的。而今天下午到达的这个Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park,更多是路途上的一个观景点,不至于长途跋涉十分劳累。
In the morning we drove from the Nebraska sandhills, all the way to the Garden City, driving in the direction of the south. The Garden City is an important destination for this trip, there are a few points above the initial special interest, and my graduation design at the time is to find a site near the Garden City to conceptualize and think about. The Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park that I arrived at this afternoon is more of a viewpoint on the road, so I didn't get very tired from the long-distance driving.
Along the way, I started to see more and more irrigation facilities, this type of center-pivot irrigation system is relatively more efficient than the system of spraying everywhere in Nebraska, this kind of sagging irrigation system can relatively save some water, and a lot of water will not float into the air, while the irrigation system in Nebraska seems to be relatively backward, the reason for this, I think a lot of it is because of Nebraska is relatively well endowed with groundwater, and the farther south you go, the closer you get to Texas, where groundwater becomes less and less available after years and years of mining, so more water-efficient irrigation facilities are needed to water the farmland.
Along the way, you will see countless large, endless farmlands, again, the ones with irrigation systems are relatively green, while the others are relatively yellow.
在路上途径了一个小公园,这个小公园叫做Red Willow Reservoir State Recreation Area,感觉到了这种干旱的中部地区,有一个这样的小水库,边边就会恨不得整出很多可以进行活动的场所。基本上很多人在此房车旅行或者是在这里camping。
On the way, there is a small park called Red Willow Reservoir State Recreation Area, which is a small reservoir in the middle of the arid region, and there are a lot of places to do activities in the area. Basically, a lot of people are RVing or camping here.
These parks are designed with "minimalism", not too much decoration or over-investment, just provide some parking spaces that can be given to different cars big cars and small cars handicapped parking as well as some electrified parking spaces that can be given to the RV power.
Then it will attract some people to spend the hot summer days on the water with motorboats, fishing or kayaks, and other recreational programs. And the good thing about such a country camping park is that there is little light pollution and you can have stunning stars at night. That's why many people are willing to spend the night in their RVs.
Without adequate precipitation and irrigation, the rugged terrain of the Central Great Plains becomes increasingly vulnerable to new plant growth, and the slopes are subject to sudden precipitation and erosion. So the final situation is more and more serious soil erosion, and the climate above the Central Great Plains is hot, dry, and windy, and it is difficult for new plants to grow on it to fix the soil, and ultimately it will lead to desertification.
But when there is crop cover, the top of a large green, simply anytime, anywhere is the desktop wallpaper of WinXP, see after seeing these endless you feel your heart open.
路上看到的一些养牛场,想起了《透视美国》里面的一个牛场里面的情景。实际上这些cattle场变得密集了之后,就会产生废水处理的问题。而如果是养猪场,就不但有废水处理的问题,还有噪声, 气味等等的一系列问题,所以一般这些养牛场都不会距离居住区太近,以减少各种因素的影像,这些牛就这样每天关在这个笼子里,然后也不能出去外面散步,天气又热,很是可怜。
Some of the cattle ranches I saw on the road reminded me of the scene inside one of the cattle ranches in America Review. In fact, when these cattle farms become densely populated, there is the problem of wastewater treatment. And if it's a hog farm, not only is there the problem of wastewater treatment, but there is also a series of problems such as noise, odor, and so on, so generally these cattle farms are not too close to the residential area, to minimize the image of various factors, these cows are just like this every day in the cage, and then can't go out to walk outside, and the weather is hot, it is very pitiful.
路上堆积如山的干草堆,大概率是用来喂给这些cattle吃的食物 。
The hay stacks piled up on the road, odds are they are used to feed these cattle food .
On the endless great plain, there can easily be southwest wind, southeast wind, and what seems to be the northwest wind three winds converge together, and then because there is no obstruction, these winds are entangled with each other, blowing around each other, and the consequence is to blow a tornado. Tornadoes are common in the Central Great Plains.
On the way to this park, you can see a lot of harvested farmland, mostly to reduce soil erosion and desertification of the soil, the top will not clean up these already harvested residues, on the one hand, these agricultural residues of the remaining roots and stems and leaves can play a role in protecting soil and water, on the other hand, these crop residues slowly decompose, but also provide a little bit of nutrients to the soil. Relatively speaking, the soil will be better.
路上的大风车,一排又一排,可以想象这里的风将会有多大,一个接着一个,孤零零,看上去不高,但是实际到达的时候应该将会是一个庞然大物,很多外国人似乎特别喜欢爬上去上面base jump跳下来。
The windmills on the road, row after row, you can imagine how strong the wind will be here, one after another, alone, does not look high, but when you actually reach it should be a huge thing.
The park is tucked away in the farmland, at the end of these dirt roads.
Large harvesters can be seen everywhere, full of the of modern agriculture.
If you want to enter the park and there are no guards, and no management, the entrance of a fee machine is located there, the entrance only needs 5 dollars.
比较可惜的是美国大部分公园都禁止飞无人机, 也就只好逛逛去感受一下公园的整个场地。
Unfortunately, most parks in the U.S. prohibit flying drones, so I had to wander around to get a feel for the park's entire grounds.
Outside the park is a large piece of harvested farmland, the soil here doesn't look particularly dry, it should have only been harvested a long time ago, or it was wet from the rain that just fell.
这块土地本来是属于私人的,在五代人之后终于变成的了公众的一个公园可以参观了。想想,五代人是一个什么概念, 1860年代颁布了Homested Act宅地法之后大家开始往西边迁移,1930s美国中部被大量开垦种地,但是又出现了史无前例的干旱,Dust bowl尘暴事件就是在那段时间产生的,天天都沙尘遍地。农业经济不好,土地荒漠化的事件在1930s年代已经发生过一次,然后联邦政府后期为了保护中部大平原,才逐渐从农民手里收回来一些不合适耕种的土地,1940-1860=80,20年一代人的话,算上第一代已经到达这里开荒一辈,刚好就是五代,虽然我没有查公园究竟什么时候开放,但是可以推测应该就是那个时候开始收归政府或者联邦。虽然没有查到什么历史资料,但是这个公园是2018年才建立的,相对来说还比较新,还有一些比较新一点的设施。
This land was originally private property, but after five generations, it has finally become a public park to visit. Think about it, five generations is a concept, the 1860s enacted the Homestead Act homestead law after everyone began to move to the West, 1930s the central United States had a large number of reclaimed land, but then there was an unprecedented drought, Dust bowl dust storm event is produced during that time, every day all over the dust. The agricultural economy was not good, land desertification occurred once in the 1930s, and then the federal government to protect the central Great Plains, only gradually from the hands of farmers to retrieve some of the land that was not suitable for farming, 1940-1860 = 80, 20 years a generation of people, counting the first generation has arrived here to open up the land for a generation, just five generations, although I did not find out when the park was actually Although I didn't check when the park was actually opened, I can guess that it should be the time when it started to be returned to the government or the federal government. Although I didn't find any historical information, the park was established only in 2018, and it is relatively new, with some newer facilities.
Most of the grasses above the entire central Great Plains are actually basically these two.
All of these trails have a little gate here and there, and I don't know if it's actually to keep outside livestock from walking in or not, but in any case you need to consciously close this little gate when entering and exiting.
The University of Nebraska Museum showed us that the entire Central Great Plains was actually the ocean a long time ago, and the formation of this landscape is actually the former seabed environment exposed, and there are many fossilized traces of shells and so on.
整个公园上面也就只有两条trail,路径不长,也就只有最长的一条只有一英里多, 短的只有三四百米,这些简易的园路上面都时刻提醒你不要到处乱走,不然可能会掉下去。外面的那些沙地,十分疏松,并不是很稳固,适合行走,走着走着不知道就会不会下面踩空了掉下去。今天是阴天,相对就不用带大量的水和防晒,但是可以想象这里如果是炎热的晴天将会非常炎热,阳光会加热附近的岩石,所以如果你不小心失足在这些脆弱的沙土上面掉下去,就可能被困住,到处都很热很难走,造成危险。
There are only two trails in the whole park, and the path is not long, only the longest one is only more than one mile, and the short one is only three to four hundred meters, these simple paths always remind you not to walk around, or you may fall down. The sandy ground outside is very loose and not very stable for walking, and you don't know if you will fall down when you step on it. It's cloudy today, so there's relatively no need to bring a lot of water and sun protection, but you can imagine it will be very hot here if it's a hot sunny day, and the sun will heat up the rocks nearby, so if you accidentally lose your footing and fall on top of these fragile sands, you could be trapped, and it's very hot and hard to walk everywhere, creating a hazard.
Think about how it used to be in the ocean, with such a rich nature of the subsurface, it would have been able to be a habitat for a lot of fish and other marine animals.
The winding paths are so beautiful and have the feeling of a winding road.
Cows in the distance, in herds, were eating the weeds on the road. High-voltage power line towers, like giants, hold up the whole sky.
Small sparrow holding a locust in its mouth.
The main four or five species of grass, growing wild in this environment.
The view of the first trail from the second trail in the park. I always feel that if we put a piano on the opposite trail, it would be a great place to watch music, and the sounds of nature and man-made instruments would surely blend together.
God also released the God's Light at this time. The scene is even more stunning than the cell phone shot.
This shrub has been able to become a habitat for birds, and even cars were food for the local Native Americans in the early days.
Two trails to walk through, which will not feel too tiring, and two trails at the end of the provision of some benches to facilitate the rest of the feet. During the different light conditions on the day, these mechanisms and structures show colorful colors. The magnitude of change in the sea is striking.
One always thinks of Su Shi's poem without realizing it
Su Shi commented, “Do you happen to know the nature of water or the moon? Water is always on the run like this, but never lost in its course; the moon always waxes and wanes like that, but never out of its sphere.
When viewed from a changing perspective, the universe can hardly be the same even within a blink of an eye,
But when looked at from an unchanging perspective, everything conserves itself, and so do we. Therefore, what’s in them to be admired? Besides, in this universe, everything has its rightful owner. If something does not belong to you, then you shall not even have a bit of it. Only the refreshing breeze on the river and the bright moon over the hills are an exception. If you can hear it, it is a sound to you; if you can see it, it is a view to you. It never ends and is never exhausted. It is the infinite treasure granted to us by our Creator for both of us to enjoy.”
时光的流逝将会很快, 唯有珍惜这些美好的瞬间。
Time will pass quickly, and only these beautiful moments can be cherished.
在这个公园游览了很久之后,终于依依不舍地离开这个公园,前往下一个目的地, Garden City。
After visiting this park for a long time, I was reluctant to leave the park and head to my next destination, Garden City.
这天是2022年6月22日, 正是夏至,这天太阳下山得很晚。
It was June 22, 2022, the summer solstice, and the sun set late.
There were all kinds of storage facilities.
It was at the height of gas prices in the U.S., $5 a gallon, and there was all this oil extraction equipment all over the place.
The windbreaks on the road were all over the place.
路上正在运作的的center pivot irrigation,可见这种的水不会大量挥发到空气中。
Center pivot irrigation was in operation on the road, so that the water would not evaporate into the air.
Nearby farmhouses with shelterbelts planted behind them, but unfortunately they have not grown up yet, and these trees are still too short to make much of a difference for the time being, but most families here plant private shelterbelts if they want a comfortable environment.
中部大平原随处可见的晚上10点才日落的情景。因为四面八方都没有山地高楼遮挡,日落似乎变得越来越晚,不会像城市一样, 晚上8点就已经看不到太阳了。这里的视野十分开阔,可以看到很远的地方。这晚路边店买了墨西哥卷饼当作晚餐,入住了garden city 路边的酒店。下一站开始正式探索Garden City附近。此行进度已经过半。
The sun doesn't set until 10 p.m. everywhere in the central Great Plains. Since there are no mountainous buildings in all directions, the sunset seems to be getting later and later, unlike in the city where the sun is no longer visible at 8:00 pm. The view from here is very open and you can see a long way off. I bought tacos from a sidewalk store for dinner and checked into a hotel in Garden City. The next stop was to officially explore the Garden City neighborhood. We are now halfway through the trip.
写完这篇文章,一看时间,原来已经是2023年6月22日,一年前的旅游,终于在一年把游历的记忆写出来。 虽迟但到,但是我会坚持继续写下去的。
After writing this post, I looked at the time, it was already June 22, 2023, the travel was a year ago, and finally in a year to write out the memories of the trip. It's late but it's here, but I'll keep writing.