University of Nebraska State Museum - The 4th Day Morning of The Graduation Travel
One of the interesting things about Nebraska is that the city centers are not where the major universities are located, unlike Boston Rhode Island, and New York, the city centers tend to have famous schools as well. The economy around the city and the universities integrated with each other, so it's much easier for students to get jobs and work. Nebraska's universities are in college towns, literally, the university is another city. This design provides you a better environment for study.
University of Nebraska校园可以说是中部大平原中的名校了,至少作为"the birthplace for the discipline of ecology",该校园在历史上确实起到了举足轻重的作用。
The University of Nebraska campus is one of the most prestigious in the Central Great Plains, at least as "the birthplace for the discipline of ecology," and it has played a significant role in history.
最起码提出要在内布拉斯加建设一个中部大平原森林的科学家Charles Bessey,就真的在各方努力之下,把这个提议有所实现,目前Nebraska national forest 可以说是全美国最大的人造森林。
At least Charles Bessey, the scientist who proposed the idea of a Central Great Plains forest in Nebraska, actually realized this proposal through various efforts by different disciplines, and now the Nebraska National Forest is arguably the largest man-made forest in the United States.
作为进入中部大平原的重要起点,今天我们要看这个University of Nebraska State Museum,该museum算是充满了学术研究的气氛,同时也是内布拉斯加里重要的博物馆,感觉应该是整个内布拉斯加州把重要的资源集中放在这个博物馆里面显示了。实际上该博物馆展览了很多历史农业生态动物植物,都有所展示,对很多动物骨骼的展示可以说要比哈佛的那个博物馆还有优秀很多。这个4层楼高的museum里面经过了精心设计,讲述了很多这个广袤大平原上的故事和历史。
As an important starting point for entering the Central Great Plains, today we are going to see the University of Nebraska State Museum, which is full of academic research atmosphere and also has an important museum in Nebraska, it feels that the whole state of Nebraska should concentrate its important resources in this museum. In fact, the museum exhibits a lot of history, agriculture, ecology, animal and plant life, and the display of many animal bones can be said to be much better than that of the Harvard Museum. The 4-story museum is carefully designed to tell the stories and history of the vast plains.
The elephant at the entrance tells the story of the museum's relationship with elephants. The student entrance fee to the museum is 10 dollars if I remember correctly.
整个museum从二楼开始,往上到三楼可以探索越来越现代的生态文明,到四楼将会是更加现代的当代大草原的问题,往下走到一楼,又讲述达尔文的故事。 从古到今的总体历史脉络,展现在整个museum里,随着你的移步换景,感受着时过境迁的历史故事。以下的的几个标题,大概是凭借着差不多一年的印象描述的。
The entire museum starts on the second floor, moves up to the third floor where you can explore the increasingly modern ecological civilization, to the fourth floor where you will find the more modern issues of the contemporary prairies, and down to the first floor where the story of Darwin is told. The overall history from ancient times to the present day is displayed throughout the museum, and as you move through the museum, you can feel the story of history as it has changed over time. The following headings are probably based on the impressions of almost a year's experience.
The Second Floor: the Elephant and Rhino Exhibition shows what it was like in the past when humans did not exist
Entering the door, the first exhibition hall is about elephants, the entire Central Great Plains may not have human traces before, At that time, perhaps glacier-covered, elephants were one of the original species here. Unfortunately, now is no longer in the Ice Age, the whole of North America was previously covered by a large ice cap and no longer exists, after the arrival of mankind, here originally these large animals eventually gradually disappeared. And perhaps before the entire central Great Plains, are their survival place. As the environment changed, this evolution seems to be the story of The Crack-Up.
整个展厅的的骨骼给你留下丰富的想象力,当它们有了皮肉包裹之后,究竟会是怎么样的?似乎每个人都会想象出来不同的答案, 但是它们现在已经不复存在了,又总会给人一种惋惜之感。
The skeletons throughout the gallery leave you with all kinds of imagination as to what they would have looked like with flesh and skin. It seems that everyone can imagine a different answer, but now that they no longer exist, it always gives people a sense of pity.
All kinds of ancient animals can only be seen in the bones today. For example, in this ancient fossil horse, and now compared to the horse, the neck is obviously not as strong as the contemporary horse, I do not know because it is eating grass or if the original is this way.
The exhibition hall of elephants and rhinoceros provided the basic atmosphere of the whole museum. Perhaps everyone's feelings and experience will be different, for the children more may be more novelty, however, I think that I am relatively serious and calm, always feel that the existence of mankind, or the existence of human life, is just a drop in the ocean, fleeting, able to think about understanding To be able to think clearly about so many issues and to show them is a great achievement that distinguishes human beings from other beings or creatures.
Ninety million years ago, the whole of what used to be the central continent of the United States, was still covered with water, and thus the whole of the central Great Plains, and a lot of water stories. Under the former continent, there have probably been many other traces of marine life.
All these remains, rich in texture, will always make you want to take a moment to see what's going on.
The Third floor: from stone to culture, how the ancients lived on that land
The third floor of the museum displays some of the different stones found today.
Part of the area displays the original indigenous cultures of the area.
Looking at these historical natives sometimes really reminds me the book of Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies.
And there are also real displays of these historical guns here.
The whole three floors give you some idea of what this place was like, but it's not a story of ancient times, it's a story of what kind of people lived here and what kind of life they had 400 years ago.
The Fourth floor: Contemporary ecological natural development in Nebraska and the problems it faces
内布拉斯加州的发展,从人口的迁移越来越多,到现代科技的发展,直到这种center pivot irrigation 技术的发展能够使的农业飞速发展,并且养活更多人。目前大量依赖这种地下水资源去进行灌溉。
Nebraska has evolved from a growing population to the development of modern technology, to the development of center pivot irrigation, which has allowed agriculture to grow at a rapid rate and feed more people. Currently, there is a heavy reliance on this groundwater resource for irrigation.
Different soils in different geographic areas. For me, as a landscape architect, I feel like I'm back in my first two semesters at RISD, where I used to follow my teachers to the field to dig up the soil and see what was going on underneath, and even jumped into pits to look at the soil, layer after layer.
There are several different soil environments in different areas. The downstairs of this museum does have specimens of these different grasses growing, and it actually always felt like it could have been more intuitive to combine this section with the different prairie environments on the 1st floor perhaps. However, it is also possible that the fourth floor of the pavilion was added at a later stage, that is, to check and fill in the gaps in the content of the story.
上面介绍了两种bison,giant bison现在还不知道是否存在,但是bison bison这个物种,在北美西部大开发快速发展的过程中,倒是几乎灭绝了。如今整个物种还能够得到保护,我认为应该获得像熊猫一样的地位才对。
There are two species of bison introduced above, the Giant Bison is not known to exist now, but the Bison Bison is a species that almost became extinct during the rapid development of the western part of North America. Nowadays the whole species is still able to be protected, and I think it should be given the same status as a panda.
整个museum放下了如此多的模型和骨骼,可以算是做的非常认真的一个museum了。 人和bison的发展安排在同一个区域,显然也是有所思考的。这两个物种生存和发展的矛盾,显然bison不是人类的对手。而人类要发展农业,要用到中心灌溉农田,显然又占据了很多原本属于bison这个物种生存的地方。历史上大量的猎杀,把兽皮剥了用来做衣服的历史故事。有时候看起来触目惊心。
The whole museum showed so many models and skeletons, that it can be regarded as a very serious museum. The development of humans and bison is arranged in the same area, obviously, there is also some thinking. In these two species' survival and development of the conflict. Human beings want to develop agriculture, to use the center of the irrigated farmland, and obviously occupy a lot of originally belonged to the bison this species survival place. Historical stories of massive hunting, stripping the animal of its skin, and using it for clothing. At times it looked shocking.
One side of the grounds depicts global warming and drought issues throughout the central Great Plains, and these recent studies, with data even from 2016, are many selections worth considering and exploring in depth for research.
The archaeology lab inside the museum also lets more children who visit the museum know how these things came to be, and then perhaps develop a strong interest in this aspect of the natural sciences.
The climate, soil, birds, and animals of the prairie are all on display. It can be said to be an eye-opening experience.
Ground Floor: Ecology of the Great Plains and the Darwinian Evolutionary Theory Room
The first floor of the pavilion introduces the main species of Nebraska soil environment, also this part I think should be put together with the soil, but look at the above font and clapboard, can also be presumed to belong to a different era of products.
一楼的展馆的主要展示方式仍然是标本为主,有时候看着这些标本瞬间会觉得RISD的nature lab 是如此的相形见绌。这个学校博物馆展示的内容是从数量到质量上的碾压。
The first floor of the exhibition hall of the main display is still specimen-based, sometimes looking at these specimens will instantly feel RISD's nature lab is so dwarfed. The content of this school museum is crushed from quantity to quality.
总的来说这个博物馆展示的内容,内容丰富,绝不是一个上午几个小时的参观就能够吸收得来了。如此多的展览实际上当你将他们串联起来的时候,就会产生出丰富的可能性以及潜在的可以研究学习的课题。 绝对值得这10美元的门票。
Overall, this museum has a large amount of content that could never be absorbed in a few hours of visiting in one morning. So many exhibits actually when you tie them together create a wealth of possibilities and potential topics that can be researched and learned from. Definitely worth the $10 admission.
Though the United States doesn't seem to have a very long history of being founded, so there wouldn't be a lot of culture to explore and relate to, more stories of economic growth and various tragedies that followed the Industrial Revolution. But perhaps it is also because of this lack of history, and the fact that the Industrial Revolution was only two hundred years ago, that many historical specimens and skeletons of natural creatures that should have been preserved have been preserved and displayed for posterity in the recent past.
This museum is not too big, and the building does not have a flashy design language or all kinds of decorations, but I think it deserves to be shown in an article of its own. It's not even worse than the Guangdong Provincial Museum in the museums I've been to, and it does a good job of telling the local culture and ecological history of the area.
盛夏的内布拉斯加温度很高,仪表台在太阳的照射下感觉高达60摄氏度, 逛了一个早上,正好可以加热一下昨天没有吃完的食物继续吃。
The temperature in Nebraska in the middle of summer is very high, the dashboard feels up to 60 degrees Celsius under the sun, and after a morning of visiting, it's a good time to heat up the food that I didn't finish yesterday and continue to eat.
下午,开始驱车开往这次旅行的重要目的地之一, Nebraska National Forest,看看这个美国最大的人造森林究竟是怎么样。
In the afternoon, we started to drive to one of the major destinations of this trip, Nebraska National Forest, to see what the largest man-made forest in the United States is really like.