Nebraska National Forest - The 4th Day Afternoon of The Graduation Travel
上午从展览馆出来之后开始继续驱车前往本次旅行的重要目的地: Nebraska National Forest。今天行程一直往西北方向走, 一路上经过了很多农田。内布拉斯加森林公园是有一天无意间看谷歌地图发现的,这个森林之所以成为一个重要的目的地,一个重要的原因是因为在三年级的studio里,我们开始尝试思考更大环境的系统问题,于是我就用不少时间去看整个美国的地图,配合着GIS的信息去看去观察,我发现整个内布拉斯加的沙山简直是整个美国中部大平原中的一块神奇的土地,上面几乎没有多少农业耕作,而在这个sand hill上面,内布拉斯加森林公园这个奇怪的森林,更是神奇之中的奇迹。后来发现这个森林原来是全美国最大的人造森林。
After exiting the exhibit in the morning, we began our tour to one of the important destinations of the trip: Nebraska National Forest, which we traveled in the northwesterly direction today, passing through a lot of farmland along the way. One of the reasons why this forest became an important destination is because, in the third-grade studio, we started to try to think about the systemic aspects of the larger environment, so I spent quite a bit of time looking at maps of the entire U.S., and along with the GIS information, I realized that the Nebraska Sandhills are like the entire Great Plains in the middle of the United States. The Sandhills are simply a magical piece of land in the middle of the Great Plains of the entire United States, with very little farming on it, and on top of this sand hill, the Nebraska Forest Park, a strange forest, is even more of a miracle among miracles. It was later discovered that this forest turned out to be the largest man-made forest in the United States.
Then the whole forest became one of the important cases of my graduation thesis question case study, it can be said that also provides a lot of ideas, and finally have the opportunity to personally visit and tour this place, which is also a wonderful opportunity to feel and experience the space.
从中午一路开车开到下午,自然的森林和树开始越来越少,一路上center pivot irrigation 以及拖拉机,粮仓等的设施越来越多。
Driving all the way from noon to afternoon, the natural forest and trees began to become less and less, along the way center pivot irrigation and tractor, grain silo, and other facilities more and more.
Looking at the materials on the top, I always feel that this farm has been standing on this land for a long, long time.
It was drizzling along the way, and I thought that perhaps this kind of rain was summer manna for the plants of the Central Great Plains, effectively lowering the temperature and moisturizing the growing crops. Consider that a few days ago on the way to Nebraska, it was 37 degrees Celsius on the highway, and you had to turn off the AC to get enough power to change lanes and overtake. A little rain made the surroundings much cooler and fresher, even at around 25 degrees Celsius.
Various pastures with grasses of different heights.
Many sections of the road can be traveled side by side with the train on the road. In the train system in the US, there is no power grid, and I don't know what exactly is used to drive it, does it use diesel fuel? I remember that most of the trains in China have been driven by electricity for a long time. Every time I take the train from Guangzhou to Tianjin to go to school, all the way to the train is grid-driven. Think about domestic train transportation is really convenient and fast too much, here across the city, take the train is basically impossible, so Americans long-distance travel basically by plane.
The barn is connected to the nearby railroad system, and transportation is also quite convenient.
Many of the trains seem to have one locomotive in the front and one in the back.
不少农田正在微风细雨中灌溉,整个长臂延申之处,甚至边缘也可以有对应的喷水结构让水能喷到更远的地方。 不过显然图上这种似乎并不是最经济最节水的灌溉,新的更高效的灌溉系统有比较长的管子垂下来,让更多水大部分浇灌到地面上,也就减少了空气中的挥发和浪费。
A lot of the farmland is being irrigated in the breeze, and the entire long arm extension, and even the edges, can have corresponding water spraying structures to allow the water to reach farther. Obviously, this doesn't seem to be the most economical and water-efficient irrigation pictured though, the newer more efficient irrigation systems have longer tubes hanging down to allow more water to be mostly poured onto the ground, which also reduces evaporation and waste in the air.
All along the way, there are these little rolling grassy plains, perhaps with crops growing on them, or perhaps just a large grassy area.
拖拉机等各种农业设施在广袤的大农田上运作。 整个中部大平原产出的粮食产出大概占整个美国粮食产出的20%,孕育着大量的人。而整个中部大平原的这些农业区地区,可以说算是整个美国人口密度算是比较低的地方。所以以至于甚至根本没有多少运营商愿意覆盖信号,不是靠近大城市一点的地方,基本上就是没有什么手机信号,或者仅仅有一格信号。
Tractors and other various agricultural facilities operate on the vast expanses of large farmland. The entire Central Great Plains produces roughly 20% of the food output of the entire United States, breeding a large number of people. These agricultural areas throughout the Central Great Plains can be considered to be sort of the entire United States where the population density is sort of low. So there are not even many carriers willing to cover the signal, not close to the big cities, basically, there is no cell phone signal or limited signal.
整个公园,实际上很大, 但是因为很多地方更多是还没开发的森林,加上人烟稀少,道路不清,所以此行只探索到相对容易探索的部分。
The whole park is actually quite large, but since much of it is undeveloped forest, and since it's sparsely populated and the roads are not clear, I only explored the parts that were relatively easy to explore on this trip.
After a 4-hour drive, we finally arrived at this Nebraska forest park at almost 4pm. The whole area was so sparsely populated and had very poor signal coverage that the map barely even loaded anyway. If it wasn't loaded ahead of time, then you basically just don't know where you've gotten to.
Entering this forest, there wasn't even anyone in charge of charging fees at the entrance, and despite it being summer vacation already, there weren't many people visiting the tour, and it could even be described as very few people. No one seemed to know the significance and value of its existence, no one seemed to pay attention to this amazing land, and where this place is located, and no one seemed to be interested in learning about the history of this site.
The entire park had just a few cars on this day, no more than 20, some willing to camp here, some here to visit as tourists like me. But maybe it wasn't a weekend when I arrived, it was a Tuesday; maybe it was rainy and cloudy when I arrived; maybe it was also the summer solstice and everyone was still busy with something else, so fewer people were visiting the park.
整个森林的历史,大概可以概括为内布拉斯加大学Charles E. Bessey教授的想法,同时也是当时总统Theodore Roosevelt的支持,去在这个内布拉斯加沙山(sand hill)上面原本就是五谷不生的地方去尝试构建一个森林。
The history of the forest can be summarized as the idea of Prof. Charles E. Bessey of the University of Nebraska, supported by then President Theodore Roosevelt, to try to build a forest in the Nebraska Sand Hills, where no grains grow.
There were a number of factors that went into the construction of the forest and why it had to be built from scratch on this barren land. There are several reasons:
- 一方面可以提供源源不断的木材和作为护栏或者燃料等等的用途,本来中部大平原上面就没有很多树木提供足够的木材使用。
- On the one hand, it would provide a constant supply of timber for use as fencing or fuel, etc., and there aren't a lot of trees in the central Great Plains to provide enough timber for that purpose.
- 一方面是作为人和生态人与自然的实验,究竟人类能不能构建一个森林的尝试,去尝试构建一种生态的早期设想,究竟所有的这些植物应该是单一的去种植还是多样化去构建,并且相信这样的想法能够去涵养水源,改善土壤,构筑生物多样性。
- On the one hand, it is an experiment between man and ecology and nature, whether mankind can build a forest or not, to try to build an ecological early conception, whether all these plants should be planted singly or diversified to build and to believe that such an idea can be able to nourish water, improve the soil, and construct biodiversity.
上面的这个地图,当字和各个图标放大了之后,让你总以为内布拉斯加的sandhill就那么一点点,上面的每个点就是一个景区一样。实际上看看右上角的比例尺就知道,一格15mile,一个大的圆圈如果开车时速60mile 每小时,也要15分钟才能到达。整个sandhill实际上是一片广袤的土地,不适宜耕种,却成为建设森林的好地方。
The map above, when the words and icons are enlarged, makes you think that Nebraska's Sandhill is just a little bit bigger and that each point on the map is a scenic spot. In fact, if you look at the scale in the upper right corner, you can see that a grid is 15 miles long, and a large circle takes 15 minutes to reach if you drive 60 miles per hour. The whole sandhill is actually a vast area of land, not suitable for farming, but a good place to build forests.
- 另一方面是中部大平原一望无际,都是这样脸面不断的沙丘实在是太无聊了,人们也希望能够在上面有森林能够产生更丰富的视觉和休闲体验。
- On the other hand, the Central Great Plain is too boring to be filled with sand dunes, and people would like to have forests on it to create a richer visual and recreational experience.
- 还有就是这位教授本来就相信在很久以前,整个中部大平原上本来就是森林覆盖的,只是后来由于各种原因才最后这些树木消失不见。所以开始进行这样的尝试。
- The professor also believed that the entire Central Plains had been covered with forests a long time ago, and that it was only due to various reasons that the trees finally disappeared. That is why he started to make such an attempt.
- 此外,内布拉斯加sand hill 的这个地方这个地方本来就是砂质土壤,凹凹凸凸的也不适合大规模的机械化耕作和种植。与此同时,该地附近又刚好又有两条河流经过,带来了大量的水资源,相对来说也就提供了培育幼苗所需要的环境,先把树苗用足够的水灌溉和培育起来,当其成长到相当一定时候又足够的耐干旱的能力的时候再种植到应该种植的位置。
- In addition, this place in Sand Hill, Nebraska is originally sandy soil, which is not suitable for large-scale mechanized farming and planting. At the same time, two rivers pass near the place, which brings a lot of water resources, and relatively speaking, it also provides the environment needed for cultivating seedlings, which are first irrigated and cultivated with enough water, and then planted in the location where they should be planted when they have grown to a certain point and are sufficiently drought-resistant.
- 个人的猜测, 因为相对来说比较维度高一点,也就意味着全年相对来说没有那么热。 而且这种凹凹凸凸的地形,更容易创造出不同的干湿程度的环境,在中部大平原这种大风大热天的情况下,崎岖的地形本来就可以遮挡大量的热风,阻挡部分阳光营造出相对更湿润的环境,也就创造了更加有利于不同的植物找到适合自己生长的地方好好的生长。
- My personal guess is that the relatively higher dimensions mean that it's not as hot throughout the year. This kind of bumpy terrain, easier to create a different degree of wet and dry environment, in the Central Great Plains this kind of windy and hot days, the rugged terrain would have been able to block a lot of hot winds, block part of the sunshine to create a relatively more humid environment, but also create a more conducive to different plants to find suitable for their own growth place to grow well.
For some of the above reasons, you can refer to the following paper which describes the construction and history of this park to the west.
这篇论文的题目上面提到的“Technological Forest”,可以更好地证明实际上这个森林更多是技术验证为目的的实验,甚至可以说是一个世纪前的美国人一个改造自然环境的测试。
The "Technological Forest" mentioned in the title of this paper is better proof that this forest is actually more of an experiment for the purpose of technological verification, or even a test for the Americans to modify the natural environment a century ago.
由于没有信号,也很难理解这抽象的地图,所以沿路一直开车到了一个高点,便开始让我的大疆一代Mavic pro帮我探路。
Since there was no signal and it was hard to understand the abstract map, I drove along the road until I reached a high point and started to let my DJI Mavic pro drone help me explore the area.
初步观察整个森林已经建设成为一个相当成熟的森林,有入口的苗圃方便生产新的树苗,然后是整个森林的内部的道路方便运输这些树苗到达需要种植的地方。但是第一印象给人的感觉,由于这里并没有足够的人口和客流,实际上很多商业配套酒店餐饮住宿等等的配套设施都是不完善的。 可以说是基本上没有怎么被开发,附近的村庄小之又小,而也没有多少旅客可以带活周边的商业。整个森林内部很多道路实际上都是泥泞的泥沙路,只有少数道路才是柏油马路,很多路崎岖不平,不是四驱加上高底盘可是真的不敢挑战。
Initial observation of the whole forest has been constructed into a fairly mature forest, with entrance nurseries to facilitate the production of new saplings, and then roads throughout the interior of the forest to facilitate the transportation of these saplings to where they need to be planted. However, the first impression is that there is not enough population and traffic here, and in fact, many of the commercial facilities such as hotels, restaurants, and lodgings are not well developed. Can be said to be basically not how to be developed, the nearby villages are small and small, and there are not many travelers who can bring to life the surrounding business. Many of the roads inside the forest are actually muddy and sandy, only a few are asphalt, and many of them are rugged, so if you don't have a four-wheel drive and a high chassis, you really don't dare to challenge.
按照《Reading the forest landscape》的方法,这些松树每年生长一层枝干,初步观察这些年长的树起码有四五十年树龄,在这些大树的庇佑下,下面的小树也有十几二十年树龄了。
According to the method from "Reading the forest landscape", these pines grow a layer of branches every year, and the preliminary observation is that these older trees are at least 40 to 50 years old, and under the blessing of these big trees, the smaller trees below are also 10 to 20 years old.
整个森林鸟瞰望去,有不同的种植密度,中间部分种植得非常密,而边缘则似乎们没有那样密相对分散。可以看到边缘的这些似乎有明确分界线的地方,附近又蔓延生长出很多新的小树苗, 他们大部分都在沙丘的阴坡上面野蛮生长。这些树木的种子就这样随着动物,鸟类,风,流水的迁移生生不息,繁衍后代。
Aerial view of the whole forest, there are different planting densities, the middle part of the planting is very dense, while the edge seems to be not so dense and relatively scattered. Where there seems to be a clear line of demarcation at the edges, new saplings can be seen growing nearby, most of them growing wild on the shady slopes of the dunes. The seeds of these trees thus live on and reproduce as animals, birds, wind, and water migrate.
整个森林的西北边,有一个观光塔,最开始这个塔的建造目的大概是用来观测山火,但是现在或许更多成为游客登高观光整个森林的一个好地方,相对来说整个塔的质量要比harvard forest 的那那个观光塔要好很多。
On the northwest side of the forest, there is an observation tower, which was probably originally built to watch for fires but is now perhaps more of a place for tourists to go up and see the forest, which is of much better quality than the one in Harvard Forest.
登高之后你就可饱览一部分的森林。整个森林现在实在是太大了,而且现在的树木又长得比较高,实际上并不能看到像无人机一样震撼的整个森林, 但是也好比在地面上不知道看到了什么要好很多。
You can see part of the forest from the top. The forest is so big and the trees are so tall that you can't really see the whole forest like a drone, but it's still better than being on the ground and not knowing what you're seeing.
Looking around, you can see the whole forest in general. In the distance, free-roaming cows moo, and in the quiet of the forest, these sounds seem to travel far and wide.
Except that, once all that surrounds you in all directions is the forest, it's as if you're in the middle of an ocean, and as far as the eye can see there's an ocean, only this time it's an ocean surrounded by forests and sand dunes.
In the beginning, when the forest hadn't grown, everything was bare.
森林的瞭望塔就成为了更加重要的观察会不会造成火灾的观测站,确实这些经历了好几代人努力换来的人工森林,可不能像yellow stone那样被雷劈了山火说烧就烧,也不加监管和控制。
The watchtowers of the forests became more important observatories to see if fires would be caused. Indeed, these artificial forests, which had been created through the efforts of several generations, could not be burned like yellow stone when lightning struck a mountain fire, and were not regulated or controlled.
成长起来的森林也提供了各种独特的环境提供更多样的娱乐项目。可惜个人感觉商业氛围还是不够浓,没有那种国内旅游区各种20元拍照的大哥大姐天天追着你,作为短暂停留的游客,你也不知道怎么样去找山地ATV获得骑行体验,总之一切的娱乐项目似乎很近,但是实际上当你真正想去玩的时候,并没有什么捷径,甚至这里厕所都还是那种美国到处可见的可移动厕所。 似乎一切的构筑物都是临时的,最节省钱的, 以后要被拆走的……
As the forest grows, it also provides a variety of unique environments to provide more diverse entertainment programs. Unfortunately, as a short-stay tourist, you do not know how to go to find a mountain ATV to get the riding experience, in short, all of the entertainment programs seem to be very close, but in fact, when you really want to go to play, there are no shortcuts, and even the toilets here are still the kind of United States can be seen everywhere in the portable toilet. Even the toilets here are the same kind of portable ones you see all over the US. It seems that all the structures are temporary, the most cost-effective, and will be torn down later. ......
Under the watchtower, this table seems to have a special beauty, and it is a good place to have a watermelon for dinner.
'Back to the park's campground, showers, bath, and dressing, visit the entire office near the landscape, this is simply the entire forest used in the tree an introduction, the above in the tree next to the labeling of the name of a variety of trees, played a good educational role.
Walk around, and see the nursery water storage tanks, you can think of the whole park if the water shortage will be how short of water, otherwise there is no need for so many water storage tanks ......
June 21st can be said to be almost the longest sunny day of the year in the northern hemisphere. At this moment, always feel that the world is calm, the forest is mysterious, nature is vast, and human beings in this world are so small, all the beauty in front of you, should be cherished.
日落, 沿着西边走,又重新回到那个瞭望塔上个面。
Sunset, along the west side of the walk, and back to that watchtower on the face.
On the left side of the car window, a few deer saw a car passing by and started to run away quickly in fear.
The afterglow of sunset is pure and divine.
It was a grandeur like no other, and even though it seemed like there was nothing on the central Great Plains, no cities, no signals, no people, there was sacred nature.
I slept in the car at night and greeted the sunrise the next morning.
At this moment, one just wants to treasure the beauty of it all.
在迎着朝阳一路往露营地开的路上,我一直在思考,为什么这个地方有这么多的美好,却并没有多少人知道。 中国有很多蚂蚁森林等的大规模造林,又有没有从中思考景观和和相对应的旅游究竟应该怎么样从中一起发展。很多时候我们种了那么多的树,到头来,根本没有多少人知道,树只提供了最基础的树的价值,而如果能够在种树的同时思考设计,构建不同主题风格有场地故事的trail,除了有ATV等等山地车等的活动方式,能不能也有热气球滑翔伞,什么zipline等的更刺激的森林活动内容,又或者是怎么样能够让这里的trail更吸引人一点,成为能够提供独一无二的娱乐空间,这样就能够有更多的游客前来游玩,促进当地经济的发展,甚至隔壁的铁路线路,究竟有没有很好的连接周边的城市,开通一边运货一边逛公园的的铁路干线,似乎都能在发展生态的同时盘活整个小城……
On the way to the campground with the sunrise, I kept thinking why not many people know about the beauty of this place. China has a lot of large-scale afforestation such as the Ant Forest, but has it ever thought about how the landscape and the corresponding tourism should be developed together. Many times we plant so many trees, but in the end, not many people know, that the tree only provides the most basic value of the tree, and if you can plant trees at the same time think about the design, and construction of different thematic styles and site story trail, in addition to ATVs and other mountain biking and other activities, can there also be a hot-air balloon paragliding, zipline and other more exciting forest activities, or how to make the forest here, or how to make it a better place to go to. Or how to make the trail here more attractive, become able to provide unique entertainment space, so that more tourists come to play, promote the development of the local economy, and even the next door to the railroad line, whether there is a good connection to the surrounding cities, the opening of the railroad line while transporting goods while strolling in the park, it seems that in the development of ecological and at the same time revitalization of the entire small town! ......
In the sunshine, even the shower in the deep forest gets a kind of sublimation, if there are more cabins in the forest like the North Carolina forest or the kind of transparent net red room that can let you be in the deep forest, will it bring more beauty in the beauty ...
Or maybe the enhancement of network connection, so that the forest is no longer completely without signal, can make more tourists visit without the fear of not knowing where they are.
在这个寂静又充满鸟叫的早上里, 很难想象这篇森林究竟提供了多少habitat所居住的场所,提供了多少a place we call home. 但是最起码这是一个百年历史默默无闻,无人发掘的人造森林。
In this silence and full of birds chirping in the morning, it is hard to imagine how much this forest provides a place we call home. But at least it is a man-made forest with a history of 100 years of obscurity and no one has ever explored it.
在这个早上,我吃着简易的面包,喝着茶做早餐,既觉得很幸福,有觉得很可惜。幸福的是我居然能有机会把握这种美好的时光,可惜的是这个这么美好的地方居然没有多少人知道,到目前为止的开发,还是如此的小心翼翼,似乎没有足够的资金和经费,去继续建设。那时候,我记得当你在谷歌搜索Nebraska National Forest 的时候,就会给你一个让人匪夷所思的在South Dakoka的一个地址,今天当我继续搜索同样的内容,仍然告诉你的地址,远在天边,并非这个著名的森林。即使在今天已经2023年,基本上是我参观这个森林一年之后写的这篇文章,谷歌给人的误导,依然让很多人误入歧途。
On this morning, as I ate simple bread and drank tea for breakfast, I felt both happy and sad. Happiness is that I can actually have the opportunity to grasp this kind of beautiful time, pity is that this such a beautiful place actually not many people know, so far the development, or so careful, it seems that there is not enough money and funding, to continue to build. Back then, I remember when you google Nebraska National Forest, it gave you a mind-boggling address in South Dakota, and today when I continue to search for the same thing, it still tells you an address that is far away and not this famous forest. Even today in the year 2023, basically a year after I visited this forest to write this article, the misinformation given by Google still leads many people astray.
Not wanting to disturb the silence of this land, on this day when the office of this forest was not yet open, I decided to continue my journey to my next destination. A forest, and the shock and beauty its sunrises and sunsets give amidst the entire Nebraska Sandhills, still feels good when I revisit the photos now.