The Last Spot of This Travel Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge - The 8th Day of the Graduation Travel
After seeing America's first protected forest, it was time to bring this part of the trip to a close. The afternoon was spent starting to head in an easterly direction toward Oklahoma. By now it was June 24th and it would take time to get back to Rhode Island to get pack and move. Mentally there was no more time for this travel.
这段旅程的最后一站是Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge。看到这个4.8的评分,你就知道这可以说得上是基本上是一个近乎满分的公园。
The last stop on the tour was Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, which, with a 4.8 rating, is basically a park with a perfect score.
So after seeing the protected forest, we started to drive for more than an hour to this park.
Along the way, I saw rolling hills in the distance, not too high, but they seemed to be covered in rocks and not much room for plants to grow.
Finally walked in and saw a rocky outcrop layered on top.
Moving along the park road, I was looking for some trails to walk on and view the scenery of this park.
But I realized that the signage here all suggests that all the trails will be closed after 10am. I was wondering why.
Since it's not open, you have to look at it from a distance, so the landscape bridge looks very chic.
It's a nice touch in a wilderness park like this.
The small stream under the bridge and the plants near it look like they are growing vigorously.
Since some of the trails were closed, we had to explore along the main highway of the park. The road twisted and turned, going up and down, changing the scenery and opening up to a wide-open view.
Along the way to the entrance of another trail, originally thought that only one trail was no longer open after 10:00 am, but found that all the trails seemed to be closed after 10:00 am. I saw a park ranger on the way and asked him why. He told me that it was hot recently and the sun would heat up the rocks after 10am. Then it would be very hot to the feet. If a person walks inside these trails and gets lost or injured, it's hard to go in and rescue them. Someone once got stuck in the mountains just a few days ago. So to be on the safe side, the park stopped opening all the trails after 10am.
看了一下附近的地图,附近一片荒芜,什么都没有,想要住汽车旅馆似乎都需要开一两个小时,如果早上10点这些trail就关闭的话,这样一来回,注定看不到什么。 所以只好看看这里有什么地方可以住的,很多野外的露营地,价格不贵。便决定在此过夜。不过就是这里的露营地似乎没有内布拉斯加森林公园的配套设施那么完备,这里没有淋浴间,很多卫生间也没有通电,在晚上都是需要打着手机手电筒进去,感觉十分阴森可怕。
I looked at a map of the neighborhood, and it was deserted, there was nothing around, and it seemed like you would need to drive an hour or two to get to a motel, so if the trails were closed at 10:00 in the morning, you would be doomed to not see much of anything if you went back and forth like that. So had to see what was available to stay here, lots of campgrounds in the wilderness, not too expensive. I decided to stay here for the night. However, it seems that the campgrounds here are not as well equipped as those in the Nebraska Forest Park. There are no showers, and many of the bathrooms are not electrified, so you need to go in at night with a cell phone flashlight, which makes it feel very eerie and scary.
太阳下山, 把一切都染成了金色的,金色的草原金色的大地。
The sun goes down and dyes everything golden, the golden grassland and the golden earth.
The sunset over the prairie opens up an endless night.
The scenery in front of me seems to remind me of the music I heard 10 years ago, "Call of the Wilderness", at this moment, there is a kind of carefree tranquility, completely immersed in nature.
I met bison on the road, and it seems that bison also prefer to walk on these big flat, and straight roads, and it seems that they are also taking the highway home at night when the road is not warmed up by the sun.
晚上的露营地, 本来打算当晚在露营地里就在车里面过的,可惜发现在车里呆了一会儿之后,总感觉车里面实在太热。 于是只离开这个露营地,去附近的一些开阔观景点。
The campsite at night, I had planned to spend the night in the campsite in the car, but I realized that it was too hot to stay in the car after a while. So we left the campground and went to some nearby open viewpoints.
It was nice to park the car at an open lookout point, and the evening breeze outside blew away the summer boredom and heat. The windows were dotted with stars, and the only sound in the quiet night was the crickets chirping in the wilderness.
When I woke up in the morning, the sun was already rising. From the night sky to the sunrise, the first sight of distant light in the morning always feels both real and dreamy.
Getting out of the car and walking around outside, I couldn't help but feel refreshed.
The sun shines on the distant hillocks and on the lone house in the distance.
早上的湖,很多钓鱼佬, 悠哉游哉的钓鱼。
The lake in the morning, a lot of fishermen, leisurely fishing.
Early mornings and quiet lakes are probably the recreational pastime of the people of the Central Great Plains.
As we continued to explore along the park road, we began to see morning cattle foraging along the way.
The morning hike along one of the open sections of the trail began and it was indeed clear and very cool before 10:00am.
The rocks along the road were full of diverse colors.
走累了,决定原路返回,毕竟孤身一人,也不清楚接下来将会遇到什么。前面的人说会有注意前面有蛇,算了,温度越来越高。 还是早点回去吧。
Tired of walking, I decided to go back the way I came, after all, I was alone and wasn't sure what I was going to encounter next. The person in front of me said there would be attention to the snake in front of me, forget it, the temperature is getting higher and higher. It is better to go back earlier.
Because all the trails are no longer open after 10 o'clock, we can only visit the indoor exhibition hall.
The facilities and exhibitions in the exhibition hall are still very good.
I took some water from the water fountain in the exhibition hall and started to cook breakfast. Overall, traveling in this Sienna was a pleasant experience.
Cooking noodles for breakfast under the shade of a tree.
最后参观了一下公园的Holy City。顾名思义,和宗教有关。
Finally visited Holy City in the park. as the name suggests, it has something to do with religion.
Lots of houses are made of stone.
Worked this car hard along the way.
中午在Oklahoma City 附近的一家餐厅吃了个午餐。便开启了回家的赶路之旅。
Stopped for lunch at a restaurant near Oklahoma City. Then we started our journey home.